Looking for game developers? How to assemble a great team

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Are you looking for game developers to bring your next project to life? Good for you!

Considering how games are a fundamental part of life for billions, the demand for skilled game programmers, designers, and artists is higher than ever. That said, finding the right talent sometimes feels harder than beating Super Mario 64 while blindfolded.

This article will guide you through the entire process of identifying, attracting, and hiring game developers who are talented and the perfect fit for your team. We’ll discuss everything from defining your needs and scouting for talent to onboarding and integration. Let’s get started and ensure you find the right developers for your project!

When looking for game developers, here’s what you should do

Looking for game developers?

Before you start the search for game developers, take a good, hard look at your project. What do you really need to get the game done? If you’re lost, think about the necessary skills: do you need someone who’s a coding wizard, an artist with a flair for design, or a sound engineer who knows their way around audio? Maybe a little bit of everything?

Figure out exactly what skillsets are essential for your game to succeed. If you don’t know what needs to be done, it’s going to be difficult to find someone to do it.

Next up, figure out your budget and timeline. How much can you realistically spend on development, and when do you need the game to be finished? If you’re new to the field, take a look at our other articles on game development timeframes and cost estimations. Having the answer to those questions will help you narrow down your options and avoid overspending or setting unrealistic deadlines.

Think about your company culture, too. Do you want someone who fits in with your team and shares your values? That’s a lot more important than you think.

Finally, look beyond just the immediate project – think long-term! Would it be better to build a dedicated team or simply hire developers on a temporary, as-needed basis?

Keep in mind that building a team from the ground up will give you more control and allow you to dictate most processes. This is important as it enables them to improve and create new things as time goes by. Defining those expectations will make the whole process much easier in the long run.

Where to look for game developers?

How to assemble a game development team

Once you know what you need, the question becomes “Where do I actually find game developers who are as talented as I need them to be?”

Don’t worry, they’re out there – but you do have to know where to look. The good news is there are a ton of different options available. Here’s a list of places to start your search:

  • Online job boards: platforms like Indeed and even LinkedIn are pretty common starting points. Look for job boards specializing in gaming, though; it can make all the difference;
  • Freelance platforms: sites like Fiverr and Upwork are great for finding freelance developers for specific tasks. These are best for smaller, well-defined jobs;
  • Gaming communities: look for communities where game developers hang out. Places like Reddit, Discord, or specific game development forums can be goldmines for finding talent. Be prepared to get to know people in this area, since a community is best for finding passionate individuals!
  • Industry events: game conferences and trade shows are the place to meet developers in person. These events are also a good way to learn more about the current state of the industry;
  • Social media: yes, even social media can be a great place to find people for serious projects. Reach out to someone with impressive work on platforms such as ArtStation or Behance. Don’t be shy, show them what you need;
  • Employee referrals: don’t underestimate your own network! Ask current employees if they know anyone who would be a good fit. Often, the best talent is hiding in plain sight.

Another incredible option is to reach out to outsourcing partners, by the way. Teaming up with an established outsourcing company can give you access to a whole team of experienced developers without the hassle of individual recruitment.

It’s an interesting option to consider, as you won’t need to micromanage each individual, and they’re usually great at finding a solution to your unique set of problems.

A good outsourcing partner, like ourselves at Main Leaf Games, can provide skilled developers tailored to your needs, so you can put more effort into the creative aspects of your project. Such professionals will also have their own talent pipeline – so they can tackle any issues in a project without much effort from your end!

Screening and evaluating game developer candidates

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Minted, a blockchain game we helped develop from the ground up.

Now comes the tricky part: figuring out who’s the real deal. Here, we’ll provide some pointers to the right way.

First, review those portfolios. Do they showcase the skills you’re looking for? Does their previous work align with the style and quality you need for your game? If they have no portfolio, well, you should probably just skip them altogether unless they have extensive experience in the industry.

Next, do some technical interviews to test their skills. Ask them about their coding knowledge, design principles, or anything relevant to the job. You need to know if they can do what they say they can do. Don’t be shy, be thorough, and ask about niche stuff if relevant.

We mentioned it before, but don’t forget about cultural fit. Are they someone who would work well with your team? Someone who shares your passion for games? You want a developer who’s equal parts skilled AND a good fit for your company’s environment.

Remote work is increasingly popular – for the data aficionados, as of August 2024, almost a fourth of the US workforce worked from home – but it’s not for everyone. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of hiring someone who’s not physically in the office. Can you guarantee the communication will be on point?

Finally, once you’ve found the right person, you better be prepared to negotiate salary, handle legal paperwork, and draw up a contract. Getting all this stuff sorted out upfront will save you a lot of headaches later!

Onboarding and integrating new game developers into your project

Looking for game developers? How to assemble a great team

Alright, you’ve hired someone – awesome! Now, you can’t just throw them into the deep end and expect them to swim. To start, make your expectations clear: let them know exactly what you expect from them, what their responsibilities are, and what the goals of the project are.

Next, give them the resources they need. That means providing them with the right tools, software, and access to necessary information. Don’t let them waste time trying to figure out basic stuff, too – have experienced developers or a supervisor to help new hires learn the ropes.

Then, set up regular meetings, provide feedback, and monitor their progress. Make sure they know they can come to you with questions or concerns. Also, a collaborative workflow will help ensure they feel like part of a team, and team-building activities (like virtual game nights or office trivia).

In short, it’s all about setting new employees up for success and letting them know you value their inclusion in your team.

Video game studios

Count on Main Leaf to take on your whole project!

Looking for game developers can be daunting, but, with a well-defined strategy, finding the talent you need to bring your vision to life won’t be hard. Remember: be clear about your needs, explore all your options, and invest time in screening and onboarding the right candidates.

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But NEVER leave your game’s success to chance! Partner with the experienced professionals at Main Leaf and gain access to a team of skilled developers ready to take your project to the next level. 

With over a decade of experience, we offer game development services tailored to your specific needs – be it memorable character design or developing your game’s back end. From concept to completion, we’re committed to delivering outstanding results that exceed your expectations. Contact us and get started right now!

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