How user data impact the future of game development industry

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One of the many new markets that technology made possible was the recent data analytics market.

Several companies around the world collect and/or analyze data from different sources and for different purposes. And, as expected the gaming market wouldn’t miss this opportunity. 

Hi, I’m Gabriel Franceschini and today we’re going to talk about how data analytics will impact game development from now on.

User data: your privacy it’s your decision

a hand holding an iphone with the screen locked

In this article, we will not discuss the issue of privacy, and ethical and moral complications of how to use this data fairly and correctly.

Nowadays, there are movements of several governments to mediate these collections and uses. So, let’s assume this is a fact and discuss how this fact affects game development.

The use of game data through the years

Chart: Where Video Games Are Popular Among Adults

It’s 2021, we can say that the history of data collection in games and other applications is something that has been used massively and globally for over a decade.

This wave came with the companies’ perception of how profitable the mobile market could be, and how accurate would be the return on investment when the product used data generated by the users themselves.

Using this new technology to develop more appealing games and maximize the sales momentum of the games and other purchase modes such as DLCs and IAP creation.

Wow! Nice graphs! More players!

gaming demographics and gaming by region info

The creation of more accurate monetization, caused the market to grow exponentially, reaching an audience of users who were previously not consumers.

The adherence of new users caused an explosion of investment in the area of technology that drove the maturing of the market over time and caused several revolutions, among them the possibility of the global expansion from game development that was previously very geographically concentrated

Global expansion of the game industry

a group of women at  a gaming conference

I would say that currently in a country like Brazil, in which there is no great incentive for technological development, it was through this global revolution that an opportunity was created for me and many others to enter the gaming market, previously considered unattainable by many. And this possibility has spread to several other countries.

Game data aiming, accuracy to great products 

scientists creating a metaverse game

In addition to leading to a constant evolution of game development concepts, where developers can rely on data to balance mechanics and get feedback from several variables, facilitating the analysis of where their games hit or miss, and with the possibility of a lot of corrections and more effectiveness.

Today we can understand much more about user behavior and its ramifications, empowering producers and developers to make more assertive decisions.

In a market where many people are trying to make a living as independent developers, it’s interesting to have this data as support for taking calculated risks and getting a higher return on investment.

But how this market investment/fomentation through the indie developers will impact the gaming future is a question that we can leave for another day, among several topics that we still have to talk about.

Game data in game as service (GaaS)

Xbox Game Pass vs PlayStation Now

For large companies the development of game data it’s even more important, to keep risk under control and make games more profitable and engaging.

As it is noticeable that a large part of the market is moving towards the so-called “Game as a Service” (GaaS), the market that has been built over the years a direction for consumers.

That allowed the creation of various monetization and the focus of large investments that resulted in great returns in the long term.

Today, these games are based on analyzing a lot of data, billions of users from the last decade, to design the most profitable way to bring such games to the market.

Furthermore, after the launch and installation of this game on the market, it is possible to update these services based on data from the users themselves over time, generating possibilities that are still unknown by these companies and maximizing the profitability of each possibility.

See you next time!

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