How to hype up your video game: a 3-stage guide

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Launching a new video game is an exhilarating adventure that involves meticulous development and strategic marketing to ensure your creation reaches and captivates its intended audience. One of the most pivotal aspects of a launch is knowing how to hype up your video game.

Generating hype is essential for a successful release, as it builds anticipation and enthusiasm among potential players. This comprehensive guide will take you through detailed steps on how to hype up your video game, ensuring it garners the attention it deserves.

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How to hype up your video game in 3 stages

how to hype up your video game

When it comes to how to hype up your video game, there is only one rule to follow: develop a strong marketing concept.

A compelling and unique game concept is the foundation of your marketing efforts. Understanding what makes your game stand out and who your target audience is will guide your promotional strategies. This involves three steps.

First, you need to identify the Unique Selling Points (USPs) of your game. Determine what sets your game apart from others – it could be innovative gameplay mechanics, a captivating story, or stunning visuals.

Then, you do market research to analyze similar games and identify what their players like or dislike. Use this information to refine your game concept.

And finally, always have your target audience in mind. Define who your game is for. Are they hardcore gamers, casual players, or fans of a specific genre? The answer to that will guide what aspects of the game will you hype during the marketing.

STAGE 1: Build an online presence to hype up your video game

There is no escape, a strong online presence is a pivotal aspect of how to hype up your video game. A strong online presence allows you to reach a global audience, build a community, and keep potential players informed and engaged.

Having a website is always a good starting point. Create a visually appealing homepage featuring a teaser or trailer of your game and share regular updates with development insights, news, and behind-the-scenes content.

Teasers and trailers are visual and emotional hooks that capture the interest of potential players and generate excitement. Try to keep them under a minute to maintain attention, and highlight only the most intriguing and visually striking aspects of your game.

On the website, you can also provide detailed information about game features, stories, and characters, always including high-quality images, logos, and press releases for media use.

Aside from the website, social media is another important area in how to hype up your video game.

On X, share short updates, engage with followers, and post GIFs or short clips. On Instagram, showcase high-quality images, concept art, and short videos. On TikTok, Create engaging short-form videos highlighting gameplay, character animations, and fun moments.

community video game hype

STAGE 2: Build a community

Building a community is a powerful strategy in how to hype up your video game. A strong community fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty, which can be invaluable for promoting your game through word-of-mouth and obtaining valuable feedback.

Nowadays, setting up a Discord server dedicated to your game is one of the best ways to create a community. Discord allows for real-time interaction, creating a space where fans can chat, share feedback, and stay updated on the latest news.

Host regular events such as Q&A sessions, game nights, or live development streams to keep the community engaged and involved and create specific channels for bug reports, feature requests, and general feedback. This organized approach can help you gather and address community input effectively.

But don’t limit yourself to Discord. Explore other places related to gaming, development, and your game’s genre. Engage consistently to maintain visibility and interest.

Reddit is another great platform, where you can participate in relevant subreddits to reach potential fans. Share updates, engage in discussions, and respond to comments to build a presence. Reddit is known for its active communities and can be a great place to gather feedback and generate buzz.

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STAGE 3: Post-launch momentum

Just as important as creating hype for your video game before its launch is to keep the hype up post-launch. A successful launch is just the beginning!

Keep players engaged by consistently releasing updates. Address bugs promptly, introduce new features that expand gameplay possibilities, and iterate on existing mechanics to continuously improve the experience.

Provide fresh experiences for players by offering DLC that broadens the game’s world and story. This could include new areas to explore, additional characters, or entirely new storylines, for example.

Create reasons for players to return regularly by hosting in-game events, challenges, or seasonal content. This injects excitement, fosters friendly competition, and keeps players engaged with the game’s world.

And never forget that your players are a valuable resource. Actively listen to their feedback through surveys, forums, and social media. Show appreciation for their dedication through shoutouts, special in-game content, or exclusive events. This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages continued engagement.

Use their feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that enhance the overall experience – then communicate these changes and improvements to your community to show you value their input.

Video game hype
Picture from Sean Do at Unsplash

Start hyping up your next game

And that’s it on how to hype up your video game. Hyping up your video game requires a strategic, multifaceted approach; but by developing a strong concept, building an online presence, and engaging with the community, you can create the excitement and anticipation needed for a successful release.

Authenticity and consistency are key to building a loyal fanbase and achieving long-term success. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to making your game a standout hit in the crowded gaming market.

We here at Main Leaf, during our 12 years of experience in the world of game development, have come to know very much the importance of hyping up a game – and have dedicated a long time to developing the marketing strategies for our launching titles.

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