4 reasons why game testing companies are so important

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The gaming industry is, undoubtedly, one of the fastest-growing sectors globally – with millions of players engaging in various forms of digital entertainment daily. Ensuring a game is bug-free, runs smoothly, and offers a great user experience is crucial for its success.

This is where game testing companies come into play. Depending on the preferences, goals, and resources of a game development project, many businesses now choose to hire a game testing company to outsource some steps in the whole hectic process. As the IoT outsourcing market expands, selecting the right partner becomes increasingly challenging.

In this brief guide, we’ll explain the benefits of hiring a game testing company – and highlight the work that our professional team can grant you!

Don’t miss: Testing strategies: quality control in the digital age

The 4 main benefits of hiring a game testing company

game testing companies

There are several reasons why many businesses prefer hiring a game testing company over conducting in-house testing. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. It’s a cost-effective solution

Outsourcing game testing can save money and time. By outsourcing, companies avoid the costs associated with hiring external testers, investing in equipment, software, and overhead costs linked to building an in-house testing team. Additionally, outsourcing eliminates the need to wait for feedback from in-house testers, speeding up the development process.

2. Expertise and experience are guaranteed

Professional game testing companies provide access to a team of experienced testers who specialize in game testing. These testers possess the necessary skills and expertise to identify and address potential issues. They can also perform specialized testing, such as localization, certification, or compliance testing, which might be beyond the capabilities of an in-house team.

3. You will enjoy scalability and flexibility

Outsourcing offers scalable and flexible solutions that can be customized to fit specific needs and budgets. Companies can adjust the number of testers, the duration and frequency of testing, and the type of testing according to project requirements. This flexibility ensures that testing resources are allocated efficiently, enhancing overall productivity.

4. There is increased objectivity all the way

External testers provide a fresh perspective and unbiased feedback on a game. They can identify issues that may have been overlooked or ignored by the in-house team. Their honest opinions on the game’s quality and user experience can be invaluable in improving the final product.

A/B testing in games

About A/B testing in games

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used in game development to compare two versions of a game element to determine which one performs better. This famous technique is essential for making data-driven decisions to enhance the player experience and improve game metrics – and this wouldn’t be a complete article if we didn’t mention it.

Here’s how A/B testing typically works in the context of games:

  1. Hypothesis Formation: The process begins with forming a hypothesis about how a change in a game element might impact player behavior. For example, you might hypothesize that changing the color of a “Buy Now” button will increase in-game purchases.
  2. Creating Variants: Two versions of the game element are created – the original (control) and a modified version (variant). These two versions are referred to as A and B.
  3. Player Segmentation: The player base is randomly divided into two groups. Group A is exposed to the original version, while Group B interacts with the modified version.
  4. Data Collection: As players engage with the game, data is collected on specific metrics related to the tested element. This could include metrics like purchase rates, engagement time, completion rates, or any other relevant measure.
  5. Analysis: The collected data is analyzed to determine which version performed better. Statistical methods are used to ensure that the results are significant and not due to random chance.
  6. Implementation: Based on the analysis, the better-performing version is implemented in the game. This decision is backed by concrete data, leading to more informed and effective changes.

In summary, A/B testing is a powerful tool in game development that helps create better, more engaging, and more profitable games by relying on empirical data to guide design and development decisions!

Game-testing companies

How much does it cost to hire game-testing companies, though?

The cost of hiring a game testing company can vary significantly depending on several factors – such as the complexity of the game, the type of testing required, the duration of the project, and the specific rates of the testing company. Here is a breakdown of the key factors that influence the cost:

  • The more complex the game, the higher the cost of testing. A simple mobile game will generally be less expensive to test than a large-scale, open-world PC or console game, for instance.
  • The length of time required for testing and the frequency of test cycles can impact the overall cost. Continuous testing throughout the development process will be more expensive than a one-time testing phase.
  • The location of the testing company can also affect costs. Companies based in regions with lower labor costs, such as Southeast Asia, might offer lower rates compared to those in North America or Europe.

When budgeting for game testing, it’s crucial to consider the specific needs of your project and obtain detailed quotes from several game testing companies. This will help you find a cost-effective solution that meets your quality and budget requirements. Additionally, some companies may offer package deals or discounts for long-term projects, so it’s worth negotiating and exploring all options.

And this is where we come in to give you a hand. Or several.

Main Leaf: the game testing company you need

While game testing services are ubiquitous, finding a partner who truly understands the intricacies of the process can make all the difference. This is where Main Leaf comes into play.

At Main Leaf, we bring over a decade of experience in the game development industry. Our team of more than 70 seasoned professionals boasts hundreds of years of collective expertise, making us a formidable force in the gaming world. From the initial design and mockups to post-production and publishing on leading game stores globally, we cover the entire game development process.

Understanding the critical role of testing in game development, we emphasize strategies that ensure the functionality, compatibility, usability, and performance of your game across a wide array of devices. In a competitive field where even minor bugs can lead to negative reviews and financial losses, our rigorous testing methods are designed to uphold the standards of excellence expected by players worldwide.

Our extensive experience in mobile game testing highlights our adaptability to emerging technologies, user preferences, and market trends. Over the past 12 years, we have consistently demonstrated the importance of thorough testing in delivering high-quality games that captivate and retain players.

Choosing Main Leaf means choosing a partner dedicated to delivering a flawless gaming experience. If you’re ready to elevate your game, request a quote from us today, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Additionally, for more insights into the game development industry, be sure to explore our blog, where we share valuable knowledge and updates.

Final thoughts

game testing strategies

As you can see, choosing an outsourcing game testing company depends on various factors such as project purpose, scope of work, and budget. It is essential to research agencies based on their updated work portfolio and previous customer reviews to ensure a smooth partnership.

In conclusion, outsourcing game testing to a professional service can significantly enhance the quality and user experience of a game while saving time and resources. The top 9 game testing companies listed above offer a range of services that cater to different needs and budgets, making it easier for game developers to find the perfect match for their projects.

If you’re just starting your journey in game development, you’re already on the right path. At Main Leaf, we’re here to help you turn your dream game into reality. Contact us today, and we’ll respond within 24 hours to assist you. Let Main Leaf be your trusted partner in creating the next big hit in the gaming world.

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